We're here to help.

Your mental wellness journey starts here.


Convenience at Your Fingertips

Choose from in-person or remote sessions, tailoring your mental health care to your lifestyle.

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Reach Out to Us

Simply give us a call, or complete our online form to request your appointment.

Were Here

We're Here for You

Appointments are available from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

A choice of payment options.

The cost of outpatient services may be covered by Medicaid, private insurance, or by fees assessed on a sliding scale. We also serve individuals with no insurance or other financial resources. In this case, an intake counselor will work with you to make a need-based assessment.

We work with adults from all walks of life.


Depression and Anxiety

Disorders such as depressionObsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), social anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) all respond well to ongoing counseling.


Grief and Loss

Losing a loved one or close friend can cause overwhelming sadness, anger, and guilt. Our counseling sessions explore the challenges of grief to help you find a path forward.


Abuse and Trauma

We offer victims/survivors of abuse, sexual assault, and other traumatic events a safe and confidential place to begin the healing process.

You’re Not Alone

In the United States, one out of two people will be diagnosed with a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. 20% will experience mental illness in a given year. 80%  will experience emotional abuse. Today, 1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.  

Mental Wellness Resources

Cultivating Mental Resilience - Infographic

Nurturing Mental Health Amidst Life's Storms

Introduction As April showers grace the Earth with their presence, it's a fitting time to reflect on the metaphorical storms life throws our way and how we can cultivate mental ...

How Long Does Grief Last? Processing and Dealing with Grief

If grief were an ordinary road trip, the GPS on your phone would show how long the journey would take. Your phone would list the best routes and calculate the years, months, and ...

What’s Normal Grief? Stages, Symptoms, and Process

When someone you care about has died it’s always normal to grieve. When you’ve suffered another big loss — like a broken relationship or a failed career — it’s always normal to ...

The Link Between Mental and Physical Wellness

Which came first: The chicken or the egg? We may never agree on the answer,

10 Best New Year Resolutions for Mental Wellness in 2023

Have you already abandoned your New Year’s resolutions?

10 Tips to Help Your Mental Health with Holiday Stress

Feeling stressed this holiday season? You’re not alone. In fact, a 2021 survey showed 3 in 5 Americans experience holiday stress.

How the Holidays Impact Your Mental Health

If the season of joy and lights feels more like the season of stress and sadness, please know this:

The connection between gratitude and mental wellness

Researchers have found a scientific connection between gratitude and good mental health.

10 Healthy Habits to Improve Mental Health

Everyone knows COVID-19 is a debilitating physical illness. More than a million Americans have died from the disease. But the pandemic has also affected mental health in America.

OK High Point

Together with The Foundation for a Healthy High Point, we are working to educate the High Point community and remove the stigma surrounding mental health. OK High Point serves as ...

Depression Screening and Diagnosis: The Complete Process and the Importance of Getting One

Depression is a mental health disorder, so physical screenings, like blood tests, won’t detect it. Instead, health care providers use depression screenings to help diagnose the ...

What Is Seasonal Depression (SAD): Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Most people with seasonal depression experience symptoms during the darker and cooler months from late fall to early spring.

20 ways to relieve your anxiety in 2022

Anxiety tips for short- and long-term relief Shortness of breath, lack of focus, an upset stomach — these are common anxiety symptoms. Just about everybody feels anxious once in a ...

8 common anxiety symptoms you should know

Experiencing anxiety once in a while is normal — so normal that a lot of us don’t notice when normal anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder. We’re all unique, so only a professional ...


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This agency provides excellent services. Everyone is so kind and understanding.

~ Katherine J.

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I really appreciate my therapist and my experience here has been very helpful with the many internal and external challenges I have faced in my life.

~ Anderson H.

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Great place to come if you have anxiety, depression, a.d.d./a.d.h.d. and so on, especially if you are ready to learn more about oneself and how to approach life with a more positive outlook.

~ Anderson H.

How can we help you?

For those we serve, we are the essential and often-postponed “first step” toward the goal of mental wellness. Whether the concern is for yourself or a loved one, know that we welcome you with deep compassion and respect. What seems frightening or hopeless today can quickly become a path to a brighter, more positive tomorrow.

Whenever you’re ready to take that first step, we’re ready to help.